‘…the computer is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.’
Steve Jobs
At Treloweth, we recognise that the technological world is evolving rapidly and aim to provide children with the computing skills and experiences they will need to thrive as active digital creators. We continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our ICT deployment and engage with current international research to identify how technology is best used to support children’s learning across the curriculum. We are committed to instilling in our children an appreciation of the wide opportunities provided by digital technologies alongside a secure understanding of how to keep safe online.
Each week, KS1 and KS2 pupils receive a dedicated Computing lesson where we develop skills in the three aspects of the new computing curriculum: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. These lessons follow a carefully planned sequence resulting in high-quality outcomes that the children can be proud of.
As well as a weekly dedicated computing lesson, the use of laptops is encouraged in many areas throughout the curriculum and provides pupils opportunities to work together on a particular skill or projects linked to other subjects.
We continually monitor, maintain and upgrade both our hardware and software to ensure the children have access to high quality equipment which can be used across the curriculum. Other resources include Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots, webcams and dataloggers which are used to develop a variety of skills and enhance the learning experience within Computing and across the curriculum. Wherever possible, we use our strong links to local secondary schools to further enhance the curriculum and device experience.
A high priority for us is safeguarding children: ‘e-safety’ is taught to every pupil across the school and is reinforced throughout all of our Computing units. We encourage the safe use of technology at home through SpellingShed, TT Rockstars and Gooseberry Planet.
In Computing, we have an ambitious curriculum designed to develop pupils’ knowledge of how systems work and the principles of Computer science.
We recognise that the technological world is evolving rapidly and aim to provide children with the computing skills and experiences they will need to thrive as active digital creators.
Our ambitious curriculum intends for children to develop their speaking and listening skills within computing by using a range of different software where children of all ages can find, analyse and present information and further evaluate their presentation.
We aim to develop independent learners who are fluent in their understanding of computer science by teaching them how to use a range of programmes where they are able to design, create and evaluate their work using specific vocabulary.
A high priority for us is safeguarding children: online safety is taught to every pupil across the school and is reinforced throughout all of our Computing units. We encourage the safe use of technology at home through the use of Project Evolve, enabling children to independently critically evaluate the security of websites and applications used.
We ensure that parents are well informed of internet applications that can support their child’s learning at home and also those that pose a risk to their mental health, well-being and safety. We provide relevant and regular information to parents to educate and support them in creating intelligent digital users.
We continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our ICT deployment and engage with current international research to identify how technology is best used to support children’s learning across the curriculum. We are committed to instilling in our children an appreciation of the wide opportunities provided by digital technologies alongside a secure understanding of how to keep safe online.
Each week, KS1 and KS2 pupils receive a dedicated Computing lesson where we develop skills in the three aspects of the new computing curriculum: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. These lessons follow a carefully planned sequence resulting in high-quality outcomes that the children can be proud of.
As well as a weekly dedicated computing lesson, the use of laptops is encouraged in many areas throughout the curriculum and provides pupils opportunities to work together on a particular skill or projects linked to other subjects.
Children are taught how to stay safe online in both discrete lessons (Project Evolve) and through constant reinforcement through all other curriculum areas. Staff model how to be safe digital citizens at every opportunity. Parents are informed on a weekly basis of current internet safety issues and how to support children with making the correct decisions online, whilst at home.
We continually monitor, maintain and upgrade both our hardware and software to ensure the children have access to high quality equipment which can be used across the curriculum. Other resources include Bee-Bots, Chrome books, Ipads and MicroBits which are used to develop a variety of skills and enhance the learning experience within Computing and across the curriculum. Wherever possible, we use our strong links to local secondary schools to further enhance the curriculum and device experience.
At a glance
• National curriculum guiding principles inform year group subject mapping documents
• Computing is mapped across year groups in small sequential steps and end points identified (to know, do and experience)
• Treloweth ½ term Progression Documents plot sequential small steps
• Classes have a weekly lesson
• Lessons activate prior knowledge, introduce, use and apply specific vocabulary, low stakes quizzes reactivate memory, hinge questions assess understanding of small steps towards end points
• Project Evolve for E-safety, Espresso Coding
• Information for parents can be found in ½ term overviews and knowledge organisers
• Online safety day/week marked, STEM activities, assemblies (social media & Online safety)
• Examples of work can be found on class website pages and newsletters
• Links to other subjects include: all curriculum subject