
‘The study of geography is more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexities of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.’

Barack Obama



Our Geography curriculum is designed to develop children’s interests, curiosity and fascination of the world, the environment and the people within it.
Children will learn about and investigate a range of places, including their own country and abroad. While learning about these places, it is our ambition for children to develop knowledge and understanding of the world’s physical and human features and processes.

Our curriculum promotes an awareness and understanding of diverse places and cultures, helping learners to have a greater sense of their place in the world and their rights and their responsibilities as a citizen.

We provide opportunities for children to investigate and learn about the local area, which helps them to understand the Cornish culture and heritage, as well as understand why Cornwall is unique.

It is our intention for Geography to promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. As the future generation, we want their knowledge and understanding of the world to influence the way they interact with the world, particularly looking after and respecting the environment.


It is our aim for children to enjoy Geography and inspire curiosity to learn more about the world around them. With the use of maps and resources, fieldwork and high-quality teaching, it is our ambition for children to have strong geographical knowledge and skills.

Through the curriculum we teach age-appropriate, and accurate knowledge of a wide range of globally significant locations and places. They will develop the skills to describe and locate physical and human characteristics of the world.

Our geography small steps, teach enquiry skills including the interpretation of map reading, photographs and diagrams. Technology is used to bring the study of places alive through the experience of film, Google Earth and Digital Mapping. Offsite visits enable pupils to develop fieldwork skills and experience Geography first-hand.

Children are provided with exciting learning opportunities; they acquire, develop and apply their learning. Subject-specific vocabulary is taught explicitly. With this solid foundation, they learn that the world is an interesting, diverse and changing place.

At a glance

• National curriculum guiding principles inform year group subject mapping documents
• Geography is mapped across year groups in small sequential steps and end points identified (to know, do and experience)
• Treloweth ½ term Progression Documents plot sequential small steps
• Classes have regular lessons across the term (this could be every week over a ½ term or every fortnight over a term)
• Lessons activate prior knowledge, introduce, use and apply specific vocabulary, low stakes quizzes reactivate memory, hinge questions assess understanding of small steps towards end points
• Digimaps and Espresso support teaching
• Information for parents can be found in ½ term overviews and knowledge organisers
• Field work tasks in every year group, assemblies, Eco Councillors selected in every year from Y1-6
• Examples of work can be found on class website pages and newsletters
• Links to other subjects include: Art, writing, drama, science and maths