
‘With languages you are at home anywhere’

Edmund De Waal

‘If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.’

Nelson Mandela

Hola todos! Nos encanta aprender español en Treloweth.

Hello everyone! We love to learn Spanish at Treloweth.


Learning a language opens the children’s eyes to other cultures and deepens their understanding of the world. At Treloweth, we endeavour to immerse the children in the Spanish language and culture through stories, songs and games. We aim to give them a firm foundation in learning another language which can be applied to other languages which they may learn later in life.

We aim to develop a lifelong passion for learning a language and encourage children to explore life beyond Britain. Our ambitious curriculum promotes understanding and respect for cultural diversity and equip children with the ability to communicate with others from a range of global communities.

Teaching gives children the opportunity to express their ideas and thoughts in Spanish; they learn to participate actively in dialogue, asking and answering questions and responding appropriately. Throughout our teaching, a love of learning languages is promoted so that children gain confidence and enjoy their experience of learning a language. A rich variety of texts are also used to further foster a love of reading and deepen cultural understanding, acquire vocabulary and speak fluently with increasing confidence.

It is our belief that learning another language is an important part of being a member of a multi-cultural society.


In KS2, children access first quality teaching in a discrete Spanish lesson every week, guided by the Catherine Cheater scheme of work. We cover a range of day-to-day topics which include: greetings, numbers, colours, food and drink, animals, family, body parts, the weather, days of the week, months and hobbies. They learn to answer many questions about themselves.

Through our teaching, opportunities are given for pupils to: listen and respond appropriately to spoken language, engage in conversations – asking and answering questions and expressing opinions. We ask children to speak in sentences using known vocabulary and phrases, developing increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation. We give children the chance to present their learning through Spanish songs, actions and stories to a range of audiences enabling them to share their appreciation of a different language and culture.

Additional opportunities are given for the children to practise conversation, for example, during registration and greeting visitors to the classroom. Assemblies and culturally diverse books provide opportunities for children to learn about different languages to foster their curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.

At a glance

• National curriculum guiding principles for MFL inform year group subject mapping documents
• Catherine Cheater is our chosen scheme to support the delivery of teaching
• Spanish is mapped across year groups in small sequential steps and end points identified (to know, do and experience)
• Treloweth ½ term Progression Documents plot sequential small steps
• Each year group has end point statements to meet and links made where possible
• A weekly lesson for KS2 activates prior knowledge, introduces, uses and applies specific vocabulary, learning is demonstrated through speaking, listening and writing
• Examples of work can be found on class website pages newsletters and display
• Links to other subjects include: geography, maths, punctuation and grammar
• The school receives guest teachers from Salamanca, Western Spain every year and a large number of Treloweth teachers have visited Spanish schools


Consulte los enlaces a continuación para ver algunos de nuestros clips de cuentos en español. Muchas gracias.

Please see the links below to see some of our Spanish story time clips. Thank you.

‘Feliz cumpleanos’

 ‘El elefante curioso’

 ‘Buenas noches a todos’

 ‘De que color es la cebra?’

Mama Pata cuenta a sus patitos

‘Soy demasiado grande’

‘Quiero mi platano!’

Hola, quien esta ahi?