Performance Data

KS2 data summary 2024

Treloweth National
% of pupils achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths 49% 61%
% of pupils achieved the higher standard in reading, writing and maths 2% 8%
% of pupils achieved the expected standard in reading 63% 74%
% of pupils achieved the expected standard in writing 69% 72%
% of pupils achieved the expected standard in maths 64% 73%
% of pupils achieved the higher standard in reading 18% 28%
% of pupils achieved the higher standard in writing 12% 13%
% of pupils achieved the higher standard in maths 9% 24%
Average point score of pupils in Reading 103.0 105.0
Average point score of pupils in Maths 102.0 104.0

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Treloweth Primary School Performance Tables

School & College performance tables (External Link)