‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up’
Pablo Picasso
Curriculum Roadmap
Our ambitious art curriculum allows our children to recognise and celebrate their own talents and individuality and gain knowledge of the work of famous artists and designers. We ensure that a broad range of art is taught that is relevant and inspiring. As artists, pupils are given the opportunity to use a wide range of media and progress their techniques year on year.
At Treloweth, we are committed to providing all children with the opportunities to engage and succeed in art. Art plays an important part in developing our children’s social and emotional wellbeing by giving them the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions, as well as developing their creative skills.
We encourage children to share and explore experiences and ideas that will enable them to achieve within our curriculum. We are passionate about developing and promoting creativity through an enjoyable and cross curricular approach.
At Treloweth we enjoy taking part in whole school projects. We use these opportunities to provide a visually stimulating environment for our children.
Many of these projects are used to create an inviting area for our visitors.
We aim to provide our children with the resources needed to support their artistic development. Every child has the opportunity to develop through our progression of skills, demonstrated in a sketchbook for every child.
We aim to give all children the confidence to express themselves through a range of chosen mediums. Our children are given the opportunities to experiment with a range of different materials, to use drawing, painting and sculpting techniques to bring their ideas to life, and to practise art and design techniques when using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. As the children progress, they will be encouraged to refine their skills through experimentation and developing their control and finesse.
We want out our children to know how art and design has contributed to our culture and understanding of our history and the world. Our children will focus on a variety of key artists linked to their topics and they will begin to understand the development of their particular art forms. The children will have opportunities to take inspiration from these key artists and create their
own artworks in their own particular styles.
Our curriculum nurtures and inspires every child’s creative mind and gives them the opportunities to explore art in different ways; giving all of our children the opportunities and skills needed to develop understanding and technique.
At a glance
• National curriculum guiding principles inform year group subject mapping documents
• Art is mapped across year groups in small sequential steps and end points identified (to know, do and experience)
• Treloweth ½ term Progression Documents plot sequential small steps
• Each year group has 3 end point statements to meet; this is mapped to reflect their topic where possible every other half term
• Lessons activate prior knowledge, introduce, use and apply specific vocabulary, learning is demonstrated practically
• Information for parents can be found in ½ term overviews
• Examples of work can be found on class website pages newsletters and display
• Links to other subjects include: history, science, maths, class study reading book
Please click on the Pdfs below for more information: